Monday, June 20, 2011

Interseting article I found for straightening our hair ladies:)

How To Straighten Afro Hair

How To Straighten Afro Hair : Straighten Afro Hair. Make up artist and hair stylist Claire De-Graft shows how to straighten afro hair that has been relaxed. Straighten Afro Hair. Make up artist and hair stylist Claire De-Graft shows how to straighten afro hair that has been relaxed.
Step 1: You will need
  • a heat protective hair product
  • some large hair clips
  • 1 tail comb
  • ceramic straighteners
  • some hair spray
  1. Step 2: Prepare the hair

    Apply some heat protective product to the hair first to protect it when straightening. Put a small amount on your hands and rub them together. Then work the product through the hair from the roots to the tips, making sure it is evenly applied.
  2. Step 3: Clip into sections

    Separate the hair into sections using a tail comb. Leave some loose at the bottom and pin the rest up with a large clip.
  3. Step 4: Heat the straighteners

    Your straighteners will need some time to heat up- always follow the manufacturer's instructions. Place them on a non-flammable surface while they are heating and do not leave them unattended.
  4. Step 5: Straighten

    Close the straighteners over the loose section of hair and, starting from the root, drag them down the hair to the tip. Immediately run the comb through the straightened section.
  5. Step 6: Repeat

    Repeat the previous step, loosening another section of hair each time, straightening and combing through as before. Continue straightening the rest of the hair
  6. Step 7: Style

    Part the hair using the tail end of the comb and style into a sleek look.
    To prevent frizzing and hold the style in place, spray lightly with hair spray.
Also known as:
  • (How Do I Straighten Afro Hair)
Thanks for watching video How To Straighten Afro Hair For more how tovideos, expert advice, instructional tips, tricks, guides and tutorials on this subject, visit the topic Styling Your Hair.

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